It has been known for many years that variations in the molecules, cells, and connections within the brain make people vulnerable to mental illnesses. But until recently, there were few tools to explore these variations. Thanks to huge advances over the last few decades in molecular biology, cellular biology, and neurobiology, these tools are now available. Some psychiatrists are using them to probe the biological origins of mental illness and to develop new treatments.
Created in 1994, the Center for Neurobiology and Psychiatry at UCSF provides a home and resources for psychiatric researchers dedicated to these investigations. It is also training the next generation of psychiatrists and neurobiologists to carry this work into the future.
Principal investigators
- Samuel Barondes, MD
- Ben Cheyette, MD, PhD
- William Byerley, MD
- Carol A. Mathews, MD
- John L.R. Rubenstein, MD, PhD
- Vikaas Singh Sohal, MD, PhD
- Laurence H. Tecott, MD, PhD
- Susan M. Voglmaier, MD, PhD
- Mark von Zastrow, MD, PhD
Contact information
Samuel Barondes, MD, Director
Center for Neurobiology and Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
University of California, San Francisco
401 Parnassus Avenue, Box 0984-F
San Francisco, CA 94143-0984
Phone: (415) 476-7066