The primary purpose of the Diversity Committee’s Education Subcommittee is to facilitate, sponsor, and promote diversity-related programming to increase awareness of diversity and health equity among faculty, residents, interns, and staff in the department. The subcommittee fulfills this aim by sponsoring Grand Rounds events that increase awareness of diversity issues, sponsoring the annual Evelyn Lee Visiting Scholar Lectureship in Cultural Competence and Diversity, and disseminating information through the Diversity Committee's website to increase cultural competence in research and clinical practice.
Subcommittee members
Cultural Psychiatry Area of Distinction curriculum
The UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences has been a leader in cultural psychiatry education for several decades. Specifically, the UCSF Adult Psychiatry Residency Training Program has a Cultural Psychiatry Area of Distinction (AoD), which focuses on how to better serve underrepresented minorities. In addition, there are several clinical experiences where residents can gain expertise treating certain sub-populations, specifically women, LGBT, and minority populations via culturally focused teams. In addition, the UCSF School of Medicine has electives for medical students to gain exposure to cultural psychiatry.
Residency rotations with diversity emphasis
- Alliance Health Project at ZSFG
- Asian American Recovery Services (AARS)
- Citywide Case Management at ZSFG
- Women's Clinic at SFVAMC
- Women's Clinic at LPPH
- High Risk OB at ZFGH
- UCSF Women's Perinatal
- UCSF LGBT Clinic
- UCSF HIV Clinic
- PGY-1 Cultural Focus Teams at ZSFG Inpatient
Clinical resources
The City and County of San Francisco has a rich network of resources for minority populations living in the Bay Area. A list of local clinics and service providers that focus on different sub-populations is provided below.
Asian populations
Disabled populations
Hispanic populations
LGBT populations
- Alliance Health Project
- Castro Mission Health Center
- Center of Excellence for Transgender Health
- Lyon-Martin Health Services
- Magnet
- The Stonewall Project
- STOP AIDS Project
- CPMC Women's Health
- Mental Health Board San Francisco
- San Francisco Women's Healthcare
- Women's Community Clinic
- UCSF WomenCare Mental Health program
- Women’s Recovery Association (WRA)
Consumer advocacy groups
There are two highly prominent consumer advocacy groups in San Francisco that could be of use to patients:
- Mental Health Association of San Francisco
- National Alliance of Mental Illness- San Francisco (NAMI-SF)
Other resources
- Understanding Prejudice
- Guidelines on Multicultural Education,Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists
- APA resources
Selected publications
- A Call for Training the Trainers: Focus on Mentoring to Enhance Diversity in Mental Health Research
- Diversity Initiatives in Academic Psychiatry: Applying Cultural Competence
- Mental Health Disparities, Diversity, and Cultural Competence in Medical Student Education: How Psychiatry Can Play a Role
- Using Non-Feature Films to Teach Diversity, Cultural Competence, and the DSM-IV-TR Outline for Cultural Formulation
- Teaching Cultural Competence to Psychiatry Residents: Seven Core Concepts and Their Implications for Therapeutic Technique.