Craig Van Dyke, MD, stands next to his official department portrait with artist Paul Morin.
“The Flying Dutchman,” as he is fondly known by friends and colleagues, also returned for the unveiling of his official department portrait, which now stands in the Langley Porter Auditorium alongside those of his predecessors. Van Dyke, who served as department chair and LPPI director from 1994-2008, is the sixth former chair to be so honored, following Karl Murdock Bowman, MD (1943-56); Alexander Simon, MD (1956-74); Leon J. Epstein, MD, PhD (1974-75 and 1985-86); Robert S. Wallerstein, MD (1975-85); and Samuel Barondes, MD (1986-93). The portrait was created by award-winning Bay Area artist Paul Morin.
Video from the Grand Rounds presentation and portrait unveiling ceremony is now available on-demand (UCSF MyAccess login required) and photos from the event have been posted on the department Flickr page.
About Craig Van Dyke
Craig Van Dyke, MD, is Professor and Chair Emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry at UCSF, where he served as chair from 1994-2008. Afterwards, he directed the Global Mental Health Program in the department and UCSF Global Health Sciences until 2013. From 2008-2009, he also served as Special Advisor for Global Mental Health to the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health.
His particular interest is in recovery from natural disasters. After visiting Sichuan in 2008 at the invitation of the Chinese government to address population mental health issues following the Wenchuan earthquake, Van Dyke helped form a multidisciplinary workgroup with faculty members from several University of California campuses to address long-term recovery issues following natural disasters. For the past several years, he has collaborated with Japanese colleagues on developing mental health services for victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. He is currently a visiting scholar at Jikei University in Tokyo.
Van Dyke completed his psychiatric training at Yale University and then joined the Yale faculty as a member of the Consultation-Liaison Service at Yale-New Haven Hospital. In 1979, he moved to the San Francisco VA Medical Center and UCSF, where he directed the Consultation-Liaison Service until 1986. In 1987, he became Chief of Psychiatry at SFVAMC and then moved to the Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute in 1994 to serve as director and chair of the department. His prior research was in drug abuse and neuroimaging. In 2007, he received the Dr. J. Elliot Royer Award as the Outstanding Academic Psychiatrist in the Bay Area.
About Paul Morin
Paul Morin’s portraits are included in major public and private collections around the world, and his portrait of Barack Obama titled “Profile in Hope,” was presented to the president in the Oval Office in 2010. A member of The Portrait Society of America, Paul couples a traditional neo-classical technique with a modern sensibility, and creates images that are at home in both traditional and contemporary settings.
“In my works,” says Morin, “I invite a dialog between the painting and the viewer that I hope will awaken a response as individual as each person viewing the canvas.”
To see more of his work, visit StudioMorin.com.